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Briefing: Postal Packets Regulations, 2023

The Postal Packets (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2023 will be considered by a Second Delegated Legislation Committee in the House of Commons Committee Room 11 today at 6 pm. Centre for the Union has produced a briefing paper in preparation for this hearing.

These Regulations (and the related EU law) are of significant consequence in so far as they expose, in irrefutable terms, the falsehoods contained within the Government’s claims in relation to the Windsor Framework which is designed to embed the operation of the Protocol.

The Government (and its Ministers) claimed they had removed the Irish Sea border, but this is not so. It is clear that in fact even those trading solely within the UK internal market must obtain ‘authorisation’ to trade less restrictively (but certainly not freely) via the ‘green lane’. In order to obtain this authorisation, a customs declaration must be completed.

Put simply, you must fill in a customs declaration to trade GB-NI.

There have been multiple noises from the Government about bringing forward

legislation to restore the Acts of Union and provide constitutional guarantees. It is trite to point out that this simply cannot be fulfilled, certainly not consistent with, for example, the 2023 Regulations which are the subject of this briefing note.


Jul 18, 2023


The Death-Knell of Sovereign British Democracy in London!

RIP: It is with great sadness and some anger that we in Northern Ireland, UK mourn the passing of one we loved so much: British Sovereign Democracy.

Democracy was noted to have been failing for a number of years, as a number of toxic Parliamentary maladies were evidenced to be at work within Democracy's hidden organs. Poisoned Protocol, deteriorated it's health, and brought on a further debilitating destabilising condition called Windsor Framework.

Democracy, this great friend of all freedom-loving British citizens in Ulster was recently seen to go through phases of absence in daily political life, total lapses in negotiations with E.U. conditions; until just last evening,…


Maurice brogan
Maurice brogan
Jul 17, 2023

We voted for brexit as a country and had to accept it . These regulations are rubbish but they are a direct outworking of brexit. You can't pick and choose. Either we voted as a country and accept parliament is sovereign.

Or we reject this admit northern ireland did not want brexit and it was a mistake to support it. Sadly its too late for the latter so you may just accept and own the mess you contributed to

Maurice brogan
Maurice brogan
Jul 18, 2023
Replying to

We did vote as individuals but the result was taken as a country. We did not get the brexit we voted for as there were multiple versions presented so it was never going to deliver what people expected. STORMONT needs to return. Staying out will not change the agreement and only serves to further diminish unionist influence. It is interesting g that unionists are finally seeing what the rest of the country has known for years. England cares very little for N.


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