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Centre for the Union paper sends 'clear message' | Baroness Hoey

I welcome the Centre for the Union’s research paper, ‘Restoring Northern Ireland in the Union’, this paper importantly sets out the way forward on replacing the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Adherence to the key principles set out therein provides the only basis for a durable solution.

In particular, the proposed UK Constitution Bill is a way to restore the constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom and send a clear message to the European Union that the fundamental and utmost priority is protecting our own United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

This paper is a detailed outline of what is required and it is difficult to see any solution providing a basis for the restoration of power-sharing in Stormont without satisfying, at the very least, the fundamental principles that this paper sets out.

1 Comment

Jan 10, 2023


"...‘Restoring Northern Ireland in the Union’, this paper importantly sets out the way forward on replacing the Northern Ireland Protocol." Baroness Hoey

Yes indeed, the next few months is going to be interesting to watch from an experienced grassroots Loyalist perspective, Mam: too many times the DUP 'Duke of York' Lairds have rattled sabres and shouted NEVER, then climbed down off the firing post and betrayed a loyal Electorate and everything originally avowed by them.

It is all just too close to the plot of the movie Braveheart to ignore: Loyalists and honest Unionists being continually betrayed, as 'the Lairds' of the DUP and Unionist Parties NEGOTIATE a more lucrative deal for themselves in a personal capacity; knighthoods; Queen's/King's…


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