There is much speculation about the deal that the PM is concluding with the EU, with the accompanying spin that it meets the DUPs seven tests.
The DUP have not seen any details regarding the deal but the DUP will be the final arbiter as to whether or not it meets our seven tests.
Of course, it must also meet the Government’s own tests and promises made in the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill.
The fundamental issue to be dealt with is the democratic deficit and the constitutional damage done by the imposition of EU law.
If this is not dealt with then the deal will fall short of what is required to restore the political institutions.
All genuine Unionists, please take note: This is what happens under EU Laws! Stand fast!
Daily Express Alert to EU Dictatorship!
Brexit vindicated: EU 'declares economic war' on Hungary in new assault on democracy
One Year On: The Union is Still 'not safe'!
Graveside Memorial on the 25th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Leading Loyalist – Brigadier William Stephen Wright, December 27th, 2022.
Loyal men and women of Ulster: I bid you a good afternoon, and welcome you, all of you, here to Seagoe Graveyard - all that is who have come together as one in order to pay personal tribute to a man now referred to by many as ‘Ulster’s Braveheart’ – our late and much-loved friend, Billy Wright. Give voice to your support, loyal friends.
They say that retrospect, that is, looking back with the passing of time, is always wise. Today, with the value of 25 years…
watchman696a few seconds ago
23/10/23 Can I ask CFU and all Unionist politicians what they and their Party are doing to redress the 'unjust imbalance' declared by the Courts earlier this year on the vital subject of 'Continual Nursing Care' for stroke-stricken elderly patients, and their having to pay for their own 'continual nursing care' as residents in Northern Ireland basic Nursing Homes (Almost £900.00 per WEEK), while similar patients/residents enjoy 'continual Nursing Care' in GB absolutely FREE! This utter unjust discrimination between GB patients and N.I. patients which is forcing elderly patients to pay the NIHSC all their savings, then sell their homes to continue payments is a total political disgrace, and needs addressing urgently. Thank you for your…
watchman6963 minutes ago
16/10/23 My Question to all Unionist Parties here in Northern Ireland, UK: With regard to the question of the 'Warm Home Discount Scheme' practiced in the Sovereign State of Great Britain', why does this scheme 'NOT APPLY in Northern Ireland', IF Northern Ireland still remains an integral part of the Sovereign State of Great Britain & Northern Ireland, UK? Unionists of all hues are obviously fully aware of this blatant discrimination against Northern Ireland citizens, as Danny Kinahan, Ulster Unionist Party member for South Antrim posed the question below as far back as 2017! So, where are the Unionist and DUP Unionist, and TUV Unionist Party voices on this vital matter? Time to put Ulster First Unionist gentlemen and ladies! Wa…
On the Subject of the 'Windsor Framework' and especially how it, and it's predecessor, the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP), succeeded somehow to 'disapply' Article 6 of the Acts of Union - close look at new legislation suggested by Suella Braverman KC MP on the mounting problem of Immigration.
On the subject of the Windsor Framework and especially how it, and it's predecessor, the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP), succeeded somehow to 'disapply' Article 6 of the Acts of Union - I wonder has the CFTU Think Tank realised that the recent legislative suggestions from Suella Braverman KC MP on the current immigration problem, if implemented, could make a mockery of the Windsor Framework, by applying a complete legal ban …